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Mystic Dreamer Tarot


A woman stands under an arch examining a wand. The wand and the others in the background are starting to blossom but the woman looks dissatisfied. She seems to be wondering how much longer she'll have to wait before they bear fruit.

This card implies that you are tired; no, you are exhausted. You can't imagine going on one more step. But the nine wands encourages you to do so. Not only are you almost there, but you do indeed have the strength to get there. Tap into that core of determination you have and make that final push. All that you've set out to achieve is just within your grasp.

If reversed, this card suggests that you've invested a lot in something that turned out not to be worth it after all. It can also indicate that there is nothing you should be doing, just step back and let time do the rest. In this exhausted state you are likely to make a mistake.

Use your intuition

  • What could this woman be doing to help the wands grow?
  • Why has she pulled one from the garden and moved it closer to the structure?

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